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October 25 2010 1 25 /10 /October /2010 19:12


Life @ Work is a retrospective of my personal experiences at the various places I have worked in my career so far.



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Almost everyone would be aware of the timeless phrase “Work-Life Balance”. The phrase seems to have become the mantra in modern times. While this may represent a pertinent style for many, it essentially undermines a subtle sentiment. That one can find some refreshing moments in time @ the workplace too.

 When we enter into the corporate world, fresh from campus and bubbling with enthusiasm, life suddenly becomes a serious affair. There seems to be decorum in every inch of space and time; and we somehow assume the impression that every word uttered and every step taken must be done with extreme caution and regards to the professional environment called the office.

While this may not be the actual state of affairs in any workplace whatsoever, which we do come to realize few months down the line; but the foremost impression for the novice, is mostly the same. For a breed of beings who have so long spent limitless hours in college cafeterias discussing about almost everything under the sun, with very little regard to unheard of parameters like assignments, milestones, skill sets, timelines etc, the transition from campus to company presents a thrilling turmoil.        

Once inside the professional walls, we tend to become apprehensive. The confidence takes a major beating. Once the kings of colleges and universities, in the new setup we are suddenly reduced to being mere fresh bricks, to be positioned somewhere in the enormous corporate fabric. But it seems we are not alone in this pandemonium. Soon the realization sets in that there are many more going through the same apparent anxiety. And this realization is exactly the point where life @ work begins.

Suddenly we find many like us all around, and a strange glue begins to take effect. It then somehow seems that the once seemingly difficult times are slowly fading away, and are replaced by soothing moments wherein we begin to bask in the glory of the new life; a new phase thus begins and the confidence rises up through the pores to fill us, propel us and shapes up some very important decisions that we take; decisions that help us glide along smoothly over the rough surfaces of a new career. Yes, such is the power of Life @ Work. It can transform someone magically and quickly and enlighten new inroads.

We thus actually start enjoying this new world, full of new life, in the form of new souls and mates. While many continue to stay with us for a long time to come, some part ways pretty soon; as new roads beckon them and thus we give way to a part of our hearts in bidding them farewell.

There are others that come along this path of ours in somewhat later stages; rather they keep coming at all stages in our work. Some bring with them great wisdom, while some enlighten us with tremendous insights. Some are absolute fun to be with while some are funny in the strangely boring ways they carry themselves around all the time. Upon reflecting back in time, we will be able to recall a great diversity of human beings, all enormously talented in their own ways; somehow packed together in the same professional milieu by a hand of fate.

Many a times, they make us feel more of our own than anyone else. Sometimes, in them we confide all our deep thoughts and reflections. At times they can make our personal anguishes disappear with single syllables and miniscule expressions. Sometimes they give us all the time in the world to get us out of troubled times and situations. It seems they are always there, waiting to be recognizing, realized and given a chance to help us lead a great life @ work.

Many of us slowly start to believe that they are the best that has happened to our lives since our long lost friends of the past and our own families. And perhaps they really are. They are God’s gift to professionals I would say. Without them, there would be no happiness outside the confines of our home and families. Without them we would be simply dragging our existence in the daily nine to 5 operational routines and humdrum affairs. Without them, there would never be a great way to work in fact.
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<br /> <br /> Again a great article. Work is an important part of Human life since the begining... So it has been always interesting to observe sociology @ work. Moreover when it is done by a great writter<br /> like you.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />


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